i like it very much!
u'r amazing!
a cool mpb swing
andrezza near sao paulo says:
you made this?
voz bonita
the voice!!!!
O Poeta Inglês Poemas en Ingles Poems in English The English Poet Copyright (C) Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media Direitos autorais © 2009 Perry Barnes Direitos autorais reservados em todas as mídias where's my nobel peace prize?
every man in the land hugged you and kissed your hand
from bands and lands such as england, glad for the mad for you men, of which their were 10
and then, heaven sent, she emerged from her classroom, their hearts went boom, they zoom in, focus on her eyes, her hips for later, nature's water, sought after, inspires martyrs, i would not barter for my love, the angel from above, what's your angle?
andrezza says:
you're an artist
is it me singing?
sad, funny... you!
work masterpiece adorable
my voice beautiful.
many thanks!!
Daniele says:
yes I´m fan
I am
nisha and barnes
Em and A7 slide up to the chord and play with a picado after
i am the docks
i am the rocks
Ash says:
I am the skyyyyyyyyyyy
and you are the cloudssssssss
i am chocolate
I am caffeine
I am ..hmmm... I am..I am the sugar
i stir you up
in my cup
Your sweetness adds sweet to my life
your feet walk away with my strife and throw it behind the fence
Ash says:
what happens if
Daniele says:
This is great
cultivating passengers
i cultivate myself, meditate instead of mastibate, same things isn't it, he asked as he masticated
no sentido de preserve
preserve, how i serve my passengers, all the knowledge you can eat if you lick my feet
Daniele says:
É necessario saber viver , a vida passageira. Cultivar e preservar os velhos e bons amigo sabendo que um dia irão partir. Tendo em mente o amor é dom de Deus
È preciso saber conquistar os novos amigos e sermos tolerantes com o outro
luis joia says:
we are the creators, gods are the passengers we cultivate, the great escape, a scape goat, pull your coat over you head, be led, or choose life, all its lies, all its whys and love it
Daniele says:
só assim a vida se estenderá
luis joia says:
extend the bends the high and rising, tidings of tidal wave hello to joy soy s
Copyright © Perry Barnes 2009 All Rights Reserved in All Media
auce, its very saucy
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